Daily Seasonal Reflections Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent Fr. Trey Nelson
“Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever.” (From Isaiah 40:1-11)
In our parish, we are blessed with an amazing school. With students from PRE-K through eight-grade, they are all awesome. Our parent volunteer base is amazing. Our faculty and staff are over-the-top good. And, of course, our administration and leadership team are stellar. Don’t get me wrong. Like everyone else in every other school, we are far from perfect. Collectively, however, this is an amazing group of people with whom I am blessed to serve and work. Our principal, Mrs. Michelle Gardiner, and I have an expression that we use every now and then. Sometimes during my visits to our school office, the conversation starts off like this. “So, Michelle, how’s life these days?” And she will respond, “All is well, you know, but just waiting for whatever comes next.” And we share a laugh. This is all based on everything that we, along with the rest of the world, have encountered in recent years. From the pandemic, to hurricanes, flooding, and other issues, there will always obviously be “that next thing” hovering over the horizon. At the same time, while most of us are not aware of the things going on in each other’s personal lives, we include that reality in our thoughts as well. Still, somehow, some way, we always find the strength, resilience, and faith to dig in once again and trust that God will provide.
It is our first reading for Mass today that draws me back to such thoughts. Today we begin a series of readings from the chapters of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah sometimes referred to as ‘The Book of Consolation.’ It consists of chapters 40 to 55. The author is writing much later at the end of the Jewish exile in Babylon, and speaks with confidence of God’s fidelity and constant compassion. “Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever,” we read. (From Isaiah 40:1-11.) I think we all need to be reminded of this every now and then. God is ever-faithful and will always care for us. Every now and then, when I am having a difficult time for one reason or another, I will share it with my brother, Tim. He usually replies, “Do I really need to remind you of everything that you’ve already come through?” That’s his reference to my experience of cancer over 20 years ago.
So, in this the second week of Advent, take a moment to stop, look back, and consider again God’s track-record with you. Consider everything you have already been through, and then say to yourself, “I’m still standing.” Tell the Lord thank you, and ask for the trust needed to continue forward.