“We are one family of faith called to assist one another truly as brothers and sisters rather than individual communities and persons. Adjustments of any type should encourage an even greater sense of community and make the declarative statement that we have prayerfully discerned the call of the Holy Spirit by listening to the people of God and are determined to resolutely move forward based on what we have heard.” (Diocese of Baton Rouge Pastoral Planning Task Force Report and Recommendations. February 2017.)
“The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them...” (Acts 4:32).
Saint Jude Parish, since our founding, has been blessed with a strong commitment to SERVICE, in and beyond our community. Along with adult involvement, our children and youth are formed early on in an understanding of our call to serve those in need. We are called to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of our neighbor, support the sick, and those affected by natural disaster. Ministries that are specifically service-oriented include:
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Regina Coeli #2063 here at St. Jude was established in July 1972. As members of the largest Catholic women's organization, we engage in parish and local community activities, donate time and money to many charities, administer scholarship programs, and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” We embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
This ministry is for any adult parishioners who would like to volunteer to host a coffee and donut fellowship reception immediately following the 9:30 Mass on Sundays in the Parish Hall. The volunteer will set up for the reception, welcome parishioners, replenish the food and drink as needed, and then clean up and lock up after it is over. Volunteers choose the weekend they want to serve through a Sign-up Genius link.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
This is an opportunity offered annually to families of young children to celebrate the start of the Easter Season. The easter egg hunt usually takes place prior to Easter, on or near Palm Sunday.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
This ministry is for families with young children who share in activities, both social and spiritual, throughout the year. They participate in multiple social outreach projects in the parish and local community.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Volunteers in this ministry would prepare the church for a funeral mass, assist the priest in whatever manner he may need before or during the mass, and put everything away after the service is over.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Saint Jude Parish has had, for many years now, a strong commitment to assisting the needy and of outreach in the Highland Road/Gardere Lane area. This includes our annual Kits for Kidz Project, volunteering as a tutor, support to needy families and children.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Volunteers assist with the placing of the Christmas gift request ornaments for the underprivileged on the Christmas trees in church the week before Thanksgiving. After the gifts are returned to the church office, the ministry members gather to help sort the gifts into family bags and help distribute them. This time-sensitive program is done within a few weeks' time period for a commitment of 1-2 days.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Ministry members mail cards from St. Jude Parish to parishioners who have been hospitalized, or who have lost a family member. Cards are a way to let our parishioners know that we care and are thinking of them.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
These volunteers visit and pray with St. Jude Parishioners who have become homebound; they occasionally check on a homebound parishioner’s welfare and safety during extreme weather by telephone.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
These volunteers assist with parish receptions and/or special events, including missions, sacramental receptions, etc. (3-5 times a year) Volunteers share their talents of organizing, floral arranging, baking goodies, being hosts/hostesses and offering a friendly smile.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Saint Jude Parish is part of a collaborative effort with local churches of all denominations. This is an opportunity to assist each community in an awareness of current social outreach issues and needs, opportunities for prayer, and so on.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
All male parishioners aged 21+ years old is invited to join this group. The Men’s Club assists and supports the church office and the school in projects, programs, events, grounds keeping, etc. Meetings are held quarterly in the parish hall on Thursday nights where members enjoy a guest speaker, dinner and Christian fellowship. Outside social activities have included fishing rodeos, skeet shooting and attending sports functions as a group. The SJMC also sponsors a grant program to assist with funds for various ministries. Visit their website:
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Our Parish Nursery is available during 9:30 am Mass each Sunday. It is staffed by loving volunteers, and intended for children six-months to three years of age. When dropping your child(ren) off, you will be asked to sign them in and provide some basic information. The nursey is open most Sundays throughout the school-year. Please see the dates below.
We rely on our volunteers to provide this service ministry. Volunteering in this ministry is easy and fun! Please consider giving just one hour every two to three months, so that parents of young toddlers can fully participate in the Mass.
The nursey is open on the following Sundays in 2024 - 2025:
August 4, 11, 18, 25Contact: Matt Conine, Director of Christian Formation, 225-766-2431
The steering committee begins planning well in advance of the actual fair date. Parishioners joining this ministry help to facilitate the overall coordination of this major parish event. Meetings are held on Wednesday nights beginning in January preceding the date of the Fair.
Contact: Deacon James Morrissey, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Parishioners who are age 50 and older are invited to join this lively group in its many activities throughout the year. The group gathers monthly to support each other socially and spiritually; activities include potluck luncheons with guest speakers or activities such as dance lessons, physical therapy tips for seniors, singers, etc. Prayer services are held during Advent and Lent.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
A group of men who are trained to bring the Eucharist, prayer and Catholic reading materials to the Catholic inmates in the maximum-security lockdown units at Angola once a month. This gives male parishioners the chance to make a difference in a person’s life.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Members gather during the day or night in groups that knit and/or crochet lap blankets, shawls and hats for the homebound in our parish. Baby items made are brought to the Children’s ward at OLOL hospital occasionally.
Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]
Men and women show dedicated love and care in personal service to the poor. The members of this ministry conduct independent interviews with each applicant at the parish hall. Assistance is provided on the basis of need after screening of applicants. They also prepare and distribute Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets to the needy each year. The members meet on Monday afternoons (except for holidays) from 5:00pm - 6:00pm in the parish hall. Recipients of funds must bring a picture ID, a copy of their lease agreement and the bill they need assistance with.
For those who are in need of assistance, please call 225-317-0929.
Parish Staff Contact: Deacon Billy Francioni, 225-766-2431 or [email protected]